August 14, 2010

Another Blood Photoshoot

[Max Factory] Another Blood
From: Demonbane
Scale: 1/8
Price: Y7,800
Release Date: July 2008

First time I saw WasabiToys put her up for pre-order, I told myself that I wanted this Another Blood figure even though I've no idea who she is. Unfortunately, I was a lowly student back then, and Php4,000 was something I couldn't afford.

Come 2010, a few days before my trip to Singapore, I saw a member from the Figurakuen forums selling her for S$90 -- negotiable. So I quickly sent the member a PM telling him that I will get Another Blood. He gave it to me for S$85, which is so not a bad price, just half of her SRP two years ago. The best part? MISB.

(Her going rate in Mandarake is up to Y16,000 =_=)

Another Blood is just plain gorgeous. The twirls on her hair are wonderfully done but they're pretty scary to hold since I feel like they're gonna break at the tiniest pressure. Then there's her clothes. The reddish-transparent skirt(?) added plus points and there were ruffles! You just can't have too much ruffles!!

But the thing I liked the most about her are her eyes. Ruby red eyes and how her face looked overall was just amazing.

max factory another blood max factory another blood max factory another blood max factory another blood max factory another blood

max factory another blood max factory another blood


AS said...

Love that figure ^^. The detail and arrangement of the hair is awesome. The translucent color on the bottom of the dress and top of the arm sleeves is pretty nice as well ^^.

Unknown said...

Oh yes, she's really one of the best around, imo. ^^