October 14, 2008


Lovesick manga

Title: Lovesick
Story & Art: Maria
Volumes: 2
Genre: Shoujo

Lovesick is about Yue, a high school student who lives with her young and good-looking step-father, Kouki. Yue is dating someone from her school but she soon realizes that the one she's really in love with is Kouki. She tries hard to keep her feelings inside her because she's afraid that she might ruin her relationship with her step-dad if she tells him.

I don't think I want to continue giving a summary of the story as it will ruin it for those who want to read Lovesick. It's a good story, though a short one at that. Yue is shown as a typical teenager who experiences how it is to fall in love but at the same time, she undergoes terrible anxiety because of that same love. Is it even considered incest even though they aren't really blood-related?

Anyway, Kouki is an interesting character. He's easy-going and aloof, probably because of his age (a dad of a 16-year-old at 27!), but at the same time, he cares for Yue a lot. It kinda makes you wonder if he's lovesick about Yue too ^^ That or he sees Yue's mom in her ^^;

Lovesick's artwork is good. The characters look pretty, long eyelashes and all. Although, come to think of it, the males and females look alike, save for the hair. It's all good though ^^ I do like the way their eyes and hair are toned and shaded and all that stuff. Their expressions are also drawn well as they really show when the characters are emoting.

Lovesick also has two side stories included: Koukando Equals and Diamond. I didn't really like Diamond as much as Koukando Equals. I thought Diamond's story was a tad shallow lol. Koukando Equals had a lot of emotions in it and were expressed really well by the plot so it's worth reading.

I'd recommend Lovesick to those who like shoujo stories. Guys wouldn't like this at all, I'm sure ;_;

October 7, 2008

Dragonball Teaser Trailer

...is out!

I think me and Jeff are gonna watch this just to see if it's really as bad as it looks. (Which I think it is.)

No news on my figures yet

Roronoa Zoro One Piece
It's already October and still no figures. My pre-orders haven't arrived yet T_T So I'm still waiting for Clalaclan, Hayase Mitsuki and Kureha. Unfortunately, Genjo Sanzo's release date was moved from August to September to god knows when. So I'm still waiting for news about him since I also have him on pre-order and there is absolutely no way I'm going to skip him and his cute little Marlboro Reds accessory.

Good news is, I'll be getting a Roronoa Zoro (finally!) since someone cancelled their order from a local shop. Did I mention this already? Lol I don't really remember. So, I'm really excited to get him but since I can't easily go to the shop, I need to wait for my pre-orders so that I'll get them all in one go.

There isn't that much I could write since I'm still in the process of reading manga and finding one that strikes me and I haven't really seen any anime. Well aside from reading manga, all I do is play games on my DS... I can probably write something about those when I finish any one of them lol.

Speaking of games, here are some new titles that have just been put up for pre-orders (on Nintendo DS platform, of course):

Tetsudou Musume DS: Terminal Memory
Princess Debut - I think I wanna play this XD
Away: Shuffle Dungeon
Culdcept DS
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Found any of those on your "To Play" list? Princess Debut is so mine lol XD