October 16, 2007

One of the best samurai stories ever!

lone wolf and cub
Title: Lone Wolf and Cub
Story: Kazuo Koike
Art: Goseki Kojima
Volumes: 28
Genre: Action, Historical

Lone Wolf and Cub is a manga about a samurai-turned-assassin named Ogami Itto who carries around his son, Daigoro, everywhere in a carriage, regardless of whether Ogami is out to kill someone or not. Ogami was the shogun's executioner before he was framed by someone and turning the law against him.

Ogami's household was killed, with Daigoro the lone survivor. It was then that Ogami gave Daigoro, a year older, two choices: a ball or a sword. Both were laid out in front of him and both would determine the path Daigoro would take. If he chooses the ball, Ogami would kill him and send him to be with his mother. If Daigoro chooses the sword, Ogami will take him on the road of meifumadou, the road to hell. Consequently, Daigoro chose the sword, and thus begins the adventures of Ogami Itto and his son, Daigoro.

It's a very dramatic manga, full of samurai philosophy on life, death and honor. The artwork is crude, but it suits the story and characters well. Lone Wolf and Cub is heavy on the violence and nudity but in my opinion, every bit of it was needed to further the story.

Lone Wolf and Cub is one of my favorite manga. For one, it's about samurai. Well, that already explains a lot on why I chose to read the manga. I haven't seen the movies or television shows yet, so I can't comment on those, but the manga was definitely something. When I finished reading it, I knew my mouth was hanging open with awe. Seriously.

I'd recommend Lone Wolf and Cub for those who enjoy history, action, philosophy, samurai...or anyone who would want to read a work of art.

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