October 21, 2007

The Musicians of Bremen - In a whole new light!

bremenTitle: Bremen
Story & Art: Umezawa Haruto

Volumes: 9
Genre: Shounen

This is a manga for those music-themed-story fans. Bremen's story centers around four teens who are striving to become the "Gods of Rock". And yes, their band's name is Bremen from the story of the "Musicians of Bremen".

Introducing the band members of Bremen:
Hino Reiji - guitarist/lyricist
Kasuga Romio - vocalist
Fuji Ran - bassist
Hayama Ryo - drummer

What's wonderful about Bremen is that it doesn't just talk about childish dreams of breaking into the rock music industry. Well it does, sort of. Here you'll meet a man who does not know what "rock music" is but thinks it's cool, a transgendered cross-dresser and a man with an awesome power called "perfect pitch".

The twist of the story is great. If you've been following my posts, you'll know that I hate giving spoilers...but I'll give you a hint. In Bremen, someone has a secret past and his past is more tragic as it is glamorous. That person isn't what his/her friends think s/he really is, and it's up to you to read Bremen to find out what I mean.

Overall, Bremen's story and artwork are good. The art's not your generic comic drawing, and the story is unique. Really. There's a good mixture of sex, drugs and rock 'n roll as any rock fan would put it. Ah but don't worry because the scenes aren't as graphic as those hardcore violent manga are. They're pretty much subdued but you still get a feel of the action. The story isn't rushed and it ended well.

I think Bremen is always open for that anticipated "second gig" just to give the readers a chance to take a glimpse at what happened after the original series.

I'm still waiting.

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