January 14, 2012

January Hauls (Part 2)

Boyfriend arrived today with the second half of my January hauls:

minase shizuku hello kitty
Minase Shizuku from Together with Hello Kitty

minase shizuku hello kitty
I got her on sale at Amiami, courtesy of a friend. The details are really good compared to my other HK fig made by Eikoh. Just look at the scooter:

minase shizuku hello kitty

minase shizuku hello kitty
I want this scooter ;_;

More Crows X Worst figures! I got them from Mandarake, again, a courtesy of my friend.

crows x worst, crows zero izaki
Izaki from Crows Zero.

crows x worst, crows zero naoki sera
Sera... Not really a fan but I like his name because one of my dogs is named Sera too :D

crows x worst, crows zero mitsumasa tsukimoto
Mitsumasa, my favorite among the Moonlight Brothers.

crows x worst, crows zero hanaki guriko
Guriko. No explanations needed.

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